crying in the dream by evangelist joshua

Negative: Dreaming of an injection that does not work could indicate an incurable or helpless situation or individual. Most people cry in the dream when there is a strong signal of bad luck. This is a dream where the enemy is inviting a strong attack into your life. Negative: Chasing someone or being chased in a dream could represent your enemies working against you. It could indicate that one has a heart to get things right. Positive: Sowing in a dream could represent dispersing righteous seeds in order to produce fruit, blessing coming after an act of obedience. what does it mean when you cry in your dream 1. To dream of crying represent the symbol of loss, disappointment and bondage. Until you stop crying in the dream, the joy of the Lord will never manifest. First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! Negative: In a dream, seeing something that is not blooming, withering, or decaying could represent that you need to allow God to cut off the dead branches before something new can bloom. (Ephesians 4:14; 2 Timothy 2:22; Proverbs 7:5; Genesis 3:6). Positive: Dreaming of going through a door could represent upcoming changes, new opportunities, new advancements being on the way, entering. Negative: Dreaming of a roar behind you could represent that the enemy is behind you or God is placing His judgment on you. Blood could also symbolize a covenant, purging, and overcoming victory. Negative: Dreaming of kissing may also symbolize enticement, betrayal, breaking a covenant, deception, or seduction. It could also represent victory being won from God. Negative: Dreaming of wind blowing could symbolize the powers of Satan, doctrine, demonic or strong opposition, empty words, boasting, vanity, or calamity. Dreaming of building a house on the sand could also indicate a lack of wisdom. It could represent understand, spiritual revelation, or meditation. Agreement represents unity and harmony or being in one accord. Negative: Sweating could also represent the effort of man, fleshly works, striving in the flesh, or anxiety. It could also represent leaning or deviating from what you know is right. My Father, wipe all my tears of sorrow, in the name of Jesus. One should be able to admit their feelings without fear of judgment, but this is tough to do in the waking world. Positive: In a dream, being abducted could represent that God is taking you out of a situation that is harmful, even if you dont know it. Hello Precious Friends! Positive: Racing in a dream could symbolize encouragement, motivation to obtain the heavenly treasures waiting to be won, or God bringing you back on track. If you are being attacked, it could signify that someone is coming after your character through slander or physical violence. Any time you are being led by God it is the right direction. We are so excited that God allowed you to visit our website today, and believe that it is part of His divine plan and purpose coming to fruition in your life. Negative: Dreaming of rape may represent violating a persons will, abusing authority, revenge, murder, a demonic attack, demonic entities, a spiritual attack, or perversion. (Ezekiel 33:32; Daniel 3:5; Isaiah 5:1; Jeremiah 7:34; 1 Corinthians 9:24; Genesis 31:27; Matthew 9:18; Exodus 15:20-21). Negative: Dreaming of a person who applies little to no effort in what they are doing may indicate that they lack zeal and pursuit, thus resulting in a longer time for breakthrough. Dreaming of buying could represent a spiritual exchange for example sacrificing something and receiving a blessing. Negative: Dreaming of running could symbolize haste or a trial. #DreammeaningCrying #EvangelistJoshuaOrekhie #EvangelistJoshuaTV The Bible says, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the m We reimagined cable. Negative: Uncontrollable itching in a dream could symbolize being under Gods judgment. Negative: If you oversleep in a dream, it could symbolize the danger of missing a divine appointment, slothfulness, not taking important things seriously, pride, and immaturity. Negative: In a dream, awakening could symbolize that you are looking for spiritual fulfillment in the wrong places. 1.6) Need For Spiritual Help. Negative: Speaking in a dream could indicate the power of death, starting a fire for evil, curses, disobedience, pride, or arrogance. Positive: In a dream, absorbing can represent adaption, getting along with strangers, or absorbing the Word of God. It could also represent being delivered from past ways. (Proverbs 31:27-28; John 21:9-10; 1 Corinthians 9:31; Genesis 25:29-31; 2 Kings 4:39-40). This dream is telling you that this person has come to a point of accepting and embracing everything about you. Every evil calendar of sadness and pain working against my joy, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Positive: Dreaming of lowering hands could represent humbling and confessing yourself to the Lord or performing in healing. Negative: In a dream, sowing could symbolize spreading evil seeds or planting bad thoughts into your mind or others. (1 Corinthians 9:26; Psalm 144:1; 1 Timothy 6:12; Proverbs 25:18). Positive: Dreaming of an attack could represent that God has given you victory over your enemies. Positive: Dreaming of others booing you while you are doing Gods Will could represent the persecution you will face to work with God. Positive: Dreaming of kicking something could represent refuting the attack of the enemy. or email to: Positive: To dream that you are building a temple or other structure could represent an opportunity for covenant with God. Positive: Dreaming of rocking could represent something old, past memories, meditation, rest, retirement, prayer, soothing, and safety. It may also represent that God is preparing you for an upcoming scenario which will require absolute obedience. If you are broadcasting something to several networks, it could mean that God is calling you to be a prophet to the nations. Dressing in royal attire can mean putting on the armor of God. If you have dreamed that a baby was crying, it is a symbol of yourself and your own need to have attention of other people. This is the area the child will cry against your pregnancy. It may symbolize that one is getting rid of character traits that are harmful such as pride or offense through repentance. Dream of being in a cage symbolizes bondage, loss, hardship, difficulties, frustration, shame, delay, disfavour, etc. (Proverbs 31:24; Proverbs 11:26; Proverbs 23:23). Hearing could also represent obedience or healing. Negative: Dreaming of skydiving could represent free-falling in life or giving up. (Genesis 20:3; Numbers 25:16-18; James 4:1; Deuteronomy 28:7; Matthew 27:17-20). Negative: In a dream, standing could symbolize and incomplete task or pride. Negative: Dreaming of being seduced could represent that you are weak and susceptible to deception in your life. O God of mercy, hear my cry of transformation, in the name of Jesus. Watch the video of dream meaning of CRYING. (2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Peter 1:5,10; Hebrews 4:11; Romans 9:16). (Psalm 22:37; Psalm 94:18; Psalm 36:16-18). Digging could also represent trying to set a trap for someone. It could indicate that you are putting work in for future breakthrough to come to pass. It could also be God telling you to sow a sacrificial seed. Drinking could indicate spiritual dehydration and the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If you experience a dream about crying, it is time to examine your emotions and figure out what it is you need to address. Until you stop crying in the dream, the joy of the Lord will never manifest. Negative: Lifting your hands in a dream could also represent surrendering to the enemy or pleading guilty to something. Positive: Dreaming of anointing could represent being set apart, a divine appointment in service, prayer for the sick, or sanctification. It could also be showing a godly jealousness that you have. A. Christian. It could indicate that you may be giving someone too much power in your waking life. (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Corinthians 7:15). Father, let sorrow be the breakfast, lunch and dinner of all my enemies, in Jesus name. Negative: To dream of an upgrade could symbolize the danger of premature promotion or promoting someone before their time. (Psalm 30:11; Psalm 149:3; 1 Samuel 18:6-7; Exodus 32:19; 2 Samuel 6:14; Luke 15:21-25; Matthew 11:16-17; Judges 11:34). (Deuteronomy 33:17; Daniel 8:4; Job 30:12). Every strongman that has taken what belongs to me in the physical and spiritual, I collect them back in Jesus name. I break every seed of pains growing in my life, in Jesus name. Positive: Dreaming of someone seducing you and overcoming the temptation may represent being strong in the Lord. It could also represent that the Lord has given you strength. The arrow of spiritual crying is a spirit of poverty. Negative: Dreaming of sitting could symbolize satanic powers, laziness, or slothfulness. 1.2) Symbolic Of Your Optimistic Attitude. Positive: Dreaming that you are babysitting could indicate God has called you to mentor, watch over, guard, or oversee those who are younger or less mature than you. Been seen your family, relatives, friends crying. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Prayers To Break the yoke of death in the dream. (Matthew 7:7; 1 Kings 4:22; Jeremiah 42:14). Positive: Walking could represent progress, living in the Spirit, walking by faith, or striving. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. (Daniel 6:10; Psalm 95:6; Mark 10:17; Acts 20:36). It could also represent that youve been holding your thoughts or emotions in for too long and they are going to burst. Negative: Dreaming of bursting could represent that one is trying to mix the things of the world with the things of God and it is going to blow up in their face. He desires real relationship with you!! Negative: Dreaming of laundry being dirty or smelly may represent areas in your life that need to be worked on, purified, or cleansed. A crying dream is more common if things do not go according to your expectation. To dream of crying represent the symbol of loss, disappointment and bondage. Positive: In a dream, anger could represent God showing you how to control your anger, or ridding anger from your life. Dreaming of jumping could represent being elevated by God. Positive: To dream of something bursting could represent the Holy Spirit being in motion. Negative: Sewing old clothes instead of getting new ones could represent being in the wilderness or a spirit of poverty. Negative: Dreaming of adultery could represent spiritual adultery, natural adultery, sexual sin, idolatry, or a struggle with pornography. God has purposed so much more for you than what the 21st Century Church would lead you to believe! Positive: Dreaming of a person or an object leaning could indicate trust, love, and support. Holy Spirit, take me away from the marriage of tears of sorrow, in Jesus name. (John 14:15; 1 John 5:3; John 14:23; John 8:51; John 15:10; Hebrews 5:8). Negative: If you refuse to be baptized in a dream, it could indicate that your spiritual walk is deteriorating or you are a man pleaser. Positive: Dreaming of pushing could indicate that the Lord is pushing you further or nearer to His will. It could also symbolize a spiritual or literal deficiency of nourishment. Negative: If you are attacking in a dream, it could symbolize that you are harboring negative emotions toward someone or something and it could lead to disaster. Positive: Swinging could symbolize peace, rest, quietness, romance, or fellowship. I refuse to cry a cry of mourning, in Jesus name. Feeling empty inside. Entering a place of wickedness such as a bar or a club could represent temptation or lust in your life. Positive: Standing could represent being committed to a point of view or belief, loyalty, honor, standing on the Word of God, virtue, or honesty. Its impact largely depends on your attitude and situation. Why? Do not dismiss them or neglect them. Negative: Rocking in a dream may represent double-mindedness, times of trouble, trials, or wavering faith. In The Biblical Meaning of the servant of God crying. Anything planted in my life to cause weekly sorrow in my life, be uprooted by fire. Negative: Dreaming of being hijacked could represent the enemy coming to attack or steal from you. Since the day God remove the status of the Lucifer as an angel and sent from heaven back to the world, that has been the day tribulation, sorrow and mourning have started. The humiliation that comes from embarrassment can be a way that God humbles you. To dream of embracing your spouse or significant other may symbolize the bond or relationship you share. Positive: If God gives you a dream of hijacking one of your enemys cars or vehicles, it could represent that the kingdom of Satan is losing its power. (1 Peter 4:8; Matthew 23:27; Titus 3:5; Acts 18:24). Negative: Choking in a dream could be a hindrance, too much too fast, hatred, obstacle, opposite of breathing in the Holy Spirit, stumbling, anger, or unfruitfulness. (Zechariah 3:4-5; Malachi 3:2; Psalm 51:2; Numbers 8:21). Positive: Bleeding in a dream could represent sacrifice. It has shown that our tears, cry is a strong spirit that gets the attention of God very faster when done with the ability of prayers. You may be having difficulty accepting the end of a situation or relationship. Positive: Digging could symbolize plowing for a great harvest or preparing for building up areas to make them prosperous. Positive: Playing could represent worship, true worship, spiritual warfare, striving, being like a child, innocence, relaxation, or rest. It could also represent that a person is being prepared to be pruned like a tree so it may flourish. Negative: In a dream, disobedience could represent that you are displeasing the Father with your behavior. Dreaming that a baby is drowning. * Live TV from 100+. Positive: Dreaming of gardening could symbolize an increase, work, ministry, church, pleasant, fruitfulness, prosperity, pastime, or field of labor. Negative: Singing in a dream could represent worshiping idols. Positive: To dream of yourself sleeping could represent that you have entered in to a season of rest. The dream may symbolize that one is not stepping up and doing their job or that one is leading others down the wrong path. Dreams about crying can seem to be entirely negative. Negative: Wrestling in a dream could symbolize resistance, trial, tribulation, or a controlling spirit. It could represent manipulation and seduction in order for a person to get what they want. Every weapon the enemy is using to oppress me, internally or externally, die, in Jesus name. It could also represent the act of partaking, friendship, fellowship, consuming wisdom, meditation, or digesting the Word of God. The arrow of spiritual crying is a spirit of poverty. If you are annoying someone in a dream it could represent that you need to cast your cares upon the Lord. Genesis 37:2-3. (Matthew 5:28; Proverbs 6:24-25; 1 Corinthians 6:18). Positive: Dreaming of leading may be symbolic of being led by God. Positive: Dreaming of speaking could represent the compelling words of Christ, thunder, indication to the open door of our hearts to receive Jesus, sound of many waters, sign of a covenant, requires obedience, blessings, can start a fire for good, or the power of life. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Positive: To hear roaring in a dream could represent that you are praising through to your breakthrough. If a person of authority is shown in the dream, the emotion of fear could represent reverence. (Ezekiel 37:9; Exodus 30:19-31; Leviticus 14:8; Leviticus 16:4,24; John 13:10). You Seek Revenge 7. It could also represent doubt, lack of confidence, or loss of faith. God could be saving you from yourself. Buying in a dream could be God showing you what or how much of something to be in the natural realm. Positive: Dreaming of bowing before the Lord could represent submission in your heart to God. It costs you much more if it comes to expressing something very personal. My life, reject the tears of mourning, in Jesus name. Negative: If you dream of a half-hearted or visibly deceitful hug, it may represent your dislike or distrust to the person you are embracing. Positive: In a dream, parachuting could represent leaving your comfort zone, time to give something up, or Gods divine protection. God may be showing you a spiritual father He wants you to learn from. And God never forget those holy tears (Psalm 56:8). Positive: Dreaming of adultery could be God showing you your weaknesses to help you before time. From this statement, there is a slight difference between the two. It could also represent faith being built or a seed being sown in your heart. (Zechariah 9:7-8; Romans 5:3-4; 1 Timothy 6:20; Proverbs 25:18-19; Matthew 3:3; Joshua 24:24-25; Genesis 3:1-19). But a person can cry in the dream and be attributed as a spiritual attack. Negative: Dreaming of fighting could symbolize that you are battling against the flesh or worldly lusts. 3. You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! (Isaiah 28:17; Ephesians 4:31; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 Timothy 5:20). (John 15:18; Galatians 1:10; John 12:43; Isaiah 50:7). Untimely death, stagnation, sickness, rejection, unhappy, blockage, spiritual blindness, financial failure, hopelessness, disappointments, hatred, marital problem, poverty, bondage, curses, suffering, bad news, demotion, setbacks. Positive: Dreaming of skiing could represent faith, support by Gods power through faith, fast progress, fun, or relaxation. Positive: The wind blowing in a dream could symbolize the powers of God, breath of life, spirit, Holy Spirit, or Gods correction. It could represent that God wants you to abandon worldly desires and live for Him. If someone is joking or not taking the things of God seriously, it could represent that one lacks honor toward holy things. Dream about crying indicates a negative meaning. Dreaming of an upcoming attack could represent impending spiritual or satanic warfare. Negative: Dreaming of indigestion could represent a person holding onto hindrances or things in their life that could be toxic naturally or spiritually. Positive: In a dream, baptism could symbolize the burial of old lifestyle, total submersion in something, repentance, preparation for the coming Kingdom, inner conversion, or being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit. 4. (1 Peter 1:2; Leviticus 1:5-11; Leviticus 14:7; Hebrews 9:13). However God takes special notice of those that cry. In the Bible, most people takes the important of crying as a medium of expressing themselves to God. (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:10; Luke 22:31). 19 different dream interpretations related to the nigeria, evangelist, joshua and interpreta you see in your dream. Negative: Dreaming of leaving could represent leaving God or exiting a place where He brought you. Negative: To listen in a dream could represent that one allows gossip to filter through ones ears. ( Mark 9:24; Psalm 34:6 ). (Genesis 29:13; Genesis 33:4; Exodus 9:2; 1 Samuel 18:1; 2 Kings 4:16; Proverbs 4:8; Acts 20:10; Proverbs 5:20; Ecclesiastes 3:5; Hebrews 11:13). Negative: If you slip in a dream it could represent lacking repentance, being too eased with not submitting to natural or divine guidance, danger of losing ones eternal security in God, envious ways, or a result of pride. Positive: Dreaming of a light-hearted joke that causes one to laugh could represent the Lord showing that the dreamer needs joy. Positive: Dreaming of painting could represent a protective covering, regeneration, remodeling, renovation, transformation, love, or beauty. You are hermetic and for that reason you see yourself in the dream crying alone. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.. It is Apostle Taylors heart that you would come into true intimacy with Jesus and learn the truth of your Kingdom identity, face to face! It is important to note the dreamer's feelings while crying. Positive: To dream of laundry may symbolize cleansing or washing that God wants to do in your heart or character. All rights reserved. If God shows you entering the Promised Land it could represent that He is giving you rest. (2 Kings 18:21; Judges 16:26; 2 Samuel 3:29; Hebrews 11:21). If Jesus or the Father hug you in your dream it can represent the infallible love, compassion, and acceptance they have for you. Negative: In a dream, getting booed and taking offense to it could represent that you are seeking verification from others. Our content is under copyright law. Positive: When dreaming of something blooming, it could represent something that is maturing or flourishing in your life. In other ways, It portends a strong emotional feelings such as unhappiness and pains. This is your season of laughter, any attempt of the devil to make you cry or mourn others is hereby cancelled in Jesus name. Negative: Dreaming of being slapped or slapping someone else could represent being stubborn, walking in hatred, suffering for Christs sake, or someone having contempt against you. The ability of crying uncontrollably in the dream means the enemy is attacking you with the bread of sorrow. Positive: Itching could represent unfinished business or things that you keep putting off but need to accomplish. (1 Corinthians 9:24; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Hebrews 12:1). Positive: Slipping in a dream could indicate the power of God saving you or being humbled by God. Getting booed and ignoring it could represent that your mind is set above the opinions of men. As a result of an evil cry against you in the spirit. Positive: Dreaming of being bored could represent having no interest in worldly things which could indicate God working on your heart. Positive: Dreaming of agreeing could represent the power of the prayer of agreement as mentioned in the Bible. Negative: Dreaming of digging could represent searching for the wrong type of knowledge which could lead to sin. If you are put in a waiting area before entering Gods sanctuary He may be showing you that you are not fully prepared or the timing isnt right for something in your life. You would rather remain silent than communicate your opinions. If you dream of a church being built upon a rock, it could symbolize protection from warfare and a firm foundation in Christ. Positive: In a dream, boxing could represent striving, preaching, deliverance, or the power of God. (Mark 2:22; Jeremiah 20:9; John 16:12; Matthew 9:17; Luke 5:37). O God, deliver me from the house of sorrow, in Jesus name. It could also mean heartache and the need for comfort from the Lord. Positive: Dreaming of getting dressed can represent preparation or being clothed in righteousness. (Matthew 10:28; Hebrews 11:7; 2 Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 2:15). Positive: Dreaming of lifting your hands could represent worship and adoration, praise, or total surrender to God. David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. Welcome to JMMI! Positive: To dream of hearing a voice could represent the voice of a member of the Godhead speaking to you. Positive: Sleeping in a dream could symbolize refreshment, spiritual stupor, rest, watchfulness, alertness, or resurrection from the sleep of death. (Zechariah 10:1; Isaiah 55:10-11; Matthew 7:27; Jeremiah 3:3). Positive: If you are crawling in a dream, it could represent God giving you humility. It may represent that the dreamer needs to laugh more. Negative: In a dream, swimming could represent putting yourself into a dangerous situation. Dreaming of being intimidated could also indicate that you have a weakness and fear in your life. Seeing your mother cry: It suggests that your future is filled with depression and emptiness. (Proverbs 17:22; Jeremiah 33:6; John 16:12; Proverbs 12:25; Exodus 23:25). Every power that finds joy in my tears, die by fire, in Jesus name.4. Negative: In a dream, an abortion could represent a satanic attack on your greatness, power, spiritual strength, and the vision the Lord has given you. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. (Ephesians 5:26; Romans 10:17; Hosea 4:6; Matthew 13:11). It is a divine gift which the devil cannot withstand. Jesus said that he wants everyone to embrace the Kingdom as if they were a little child. Negative: Dreaming of sleeping could represent indifference or not taking things seriously. into a deeper relationship with God through Jesus, or entering into something that no man can stop. You could be sinning against the Lord in some way. Positive: To dream of reading the Bible is symbolic of being washed in the Word of God. It could also symbolize grief or sadness. It could also represent that one has a victim mentality. To cry in the dream, it means to fall in the pit which the enemy has dug for you (Proverbs 26:27). Negative: In a dream, this could mean walking by sight, lack of faith, or walking away from where God has called you. (Ecclesiastes 7:16-17; Matthew 27:3-5; Galatians 2:20; Mark 8:35; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Positive: Dreaming of jumping could represent joy in ones life. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh (Luke 6:21). (Galatians 6:7-8; 2 Corinthians 9:6; Job 4:8; Psalm 126:5; Matthew 13:3-9; Mark 4:1-20). Crying in a dream is usually interpreted as happiness, but when accompanied with intonation or wailing, it means a calamity. 5. You need to break and destroy every curse of untimely death. It is very crucial to go for deliverance if there is an occurrence factor of negative tears in your dream. Someone training you in a dream at your job, sport, hobby, etc. This will bring changes to your current lifestyle. (Daniel 12:1-2; Acts 7:60; Ephesians 5:14; Romans 13:11). I reject any problem that will make me and my family cry, in Jesus name.Website: Positive: Dreaming of oversleeping could represent God giving you rest or the need to take a break. Negative: If you fall in your dream, it could be a warning about a fall into sin. It may also represent God showing you that you have a short fuse and need to develop more patience. Negative: A lack of exercise could represent a lack of activity in the spirit or connection to the Holy Ghost. I shall not use my hands to bury my children, in Jesus name. (Acts 3:8; 1 Kings 18:26; 2 Samuel 6:16; Luke 6:23; Psalm 18:29; Luke 1:44; Acts 14:10; Acts 19:16; Luke 10:30). All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). (Proverbs 18:21; Proverbs 3:31; Colossians 3:19; Ephesians 6:4; Galatians 5:19-21). All Rights Reserved. It could symbolize new peace, deliverance, or a change agent in ones life. (2 Corinthians 11:2; 1 Kings 14:22; Deuteronomy 32:6; Song of Solomon 8:6; Proverbs 6:34). Negative: To dream of jealousy could show that you are provoking Gods anger against your life. (Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 15:13; 1 John 4:18). Negative: Dreaming of buying something illegally could represent going outside of Gods will in your life and being rebellious. All garments of sorrow and bad luck in my life, I tear you to pieces, in Jesus name. Negative: Gardening could represent planting the wrong seeds into ones life. Your dreams are important messages from God! Negative: If you are lifted or someone else is lifted up in a dream, it could represent pride or the exaltation of something over God. God Bless You! Positive: Dreaming of buying something could represent that the item you bought is valuable to you. Positive: In a dream, choking could be God showing you that you need to stop doing something before it has a negative effect on you. (1 Corinthians 6:15-16, 1 Corinthians 7:9; Matthew 5:28; Genesis 9:7). Negative: Dreaming of poking could be an implication that you should focus on your own problems/issues instead of others. or temptation. Dreaming of dogs is often a sign of good things. (1 Timothy 6:9; Revelation 12:15-16; Isaiah 61:3). Positive: Dreaming of sharing something with others can represent building trust among people. Been sustained injury that makes you to cry. Positive: Laughing in a dream could represent rejoicing, the joy of worship and walking with God, or spiritual medicine. Positive: Dreaming of kissing could represent agreement, a covenant, or friendship with someone. Negative: If you or someone dies in a dream, it could represent something good passing away or departing from your life or the physical death of person in the dream.

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crying in the dream by evangelist joshua