problems with travel softball

On the other hand, dont force her to join a competitive travel ball team if she just wants to have fun. As a volunteer basketball coach for 18+ years, Ive seen girls spiritually suffer by the same well-intentioned convictions of their parents. Sometimes travel teams also change players during the season, adding and moving around players based on performance. Its important to be committed to making games, meets, tournaments, and practices a priority, but not at the expense of church, or important family gatherings. Its also important for everyone involved to be honest about the players skill level. I was sent the letter about "What if you can't . And with more practice and play time, the risk of injury and burnout goes up, too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Every expert agreed that kids are being played too hard and too long. My recommendation to any family looking for a single event that can put their daughter in front of hundreds of college coaches, Scout Softball is the answer. Do the social aspects improve their values and stimulate great discussions at home, or lead them away from family?). Plus, thats in addition to fees and travel for camps, which many top-tier players also participate in. Do they understand that they'll have to compete for it? Looking back, Im so thankful they gave all they did so that I could be successful its something I can never repay them for. Usually, these teams are part of a private or club sports program, not a recreational league or one affiliated with a school. Maybe take up your buddys offer to go play golf or go fishing. Dont get me wrong: I love competition. 6. We will be staying with rec from now on. Thanks to all who replied. Maybe you and your spouse may do some shopping and go get a nice meal. It can be a huge change in commitment, skill level, and dedication depending on the type of team and price you go into. #momof3boys. Michael Hortons Christless Christianity There are typically four or five tournaments during October and November. Maybe families should pray over the decision that best suits each individual child. Too many times parents want what they want, not whats best for their kids. On the diamond. If instead you go to games and yell out how to do things to the girls or degrade them or constantly run to the dugout to chit chat, then you are a problem parent. Let kids be kids. That the glory of the Lord might cover the dry land as the waters cover the sea. I do wonder though as a parent of a child who did play travel ball and also ended up as a D1 athlete if we arent typically just exchanging one pursuit of excellence for another. However, families can spend more depending on things like additional training fees and costs associated with longer out-of-state tournaments. Because the goal of this type of program is to prepare the athlete for college athletics, the teams want to win. Find out: Travel team play isn't right for every child, but it can be a lot of fun if you make the right match between child, sport, and team. My Kids Dont Play Sports Other parents might be emboldened to speak up. Utilize the links below to browse our Travel Softball Rankings. My thoughts written here veer away from the focus of recreational versus travel leagues as the original blog talks about, but include some areas to think about whichever route of competition you choose. Thanks, Roy. Of course, we dont love spending a lot of money every weekend. Its Saturday morning and the sun hasnt risen yet. Travel Baseball Teams Near You | NCSA The cost is a fraction of what a travel season would cost but may actually put you in front of more coaches. Im betting you would be better off saving your money to help him with college expenses. There are significant costs (thousands of dollars per season is common). Between 2013 and 2018, the number of U.S. kids playing baseball and softball combined increased by nearly 3 million, according to annual surveys by the Sports Fitness & Industry Association. Character Development: Arguably the most important aspect of a program is the character and personal development that will take place. vs. travel. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. After college, my husband played pro baseball for a while and I played on a national team. This is mainly to get those on the fence to really question if this type of play is a good fit for them or if maybe rec ball would be a little more suitable for them. If team dues seem ridiculously high, make sure youre getting your moneys worth in terms of equipment, facility use, uniforms, etc. Praying we keep the Lord first in all thingsand your insights help!!! Travel with extended families and make bonds with good people. Thanks for the great article I can share with the parents of my students. The pitchers pitched far more balls than strikes. *****. How do you help your childs best come out, leaving the potential open for higher levels of competition, while avoiding the possible detriments of rigorous levels of the sport? As parents, however, we can sometimes unknowingly pressure our kids to continuing pursuing things at a higher level because we want it for them, not because they want it, and we proverbially try to put a square peg into a round hole. Its only my observation of course but many areas in life are dog eat dog competitive, as it were. Looks like a good pastor (Caldwell) commented above if thats who I think it is. Teach her other ways to stay involved throughout the game if she is not playing. They use evangelism as a spiritual reason for not being in church. 2013;4:151-60. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S33556. Lack of specified instruction. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | FUTURESLASH CORP. Get two articles delivered to your inbox each week. At tryouts, you should expect to be tested on your home-to-first sprint time, your home-to-home sprint time, and your overhand throwing speed. this will let you evaluate if travel softball is right for your family, hopefully evaluate several different teams (not just the ones you play for, also watch the opposing teams, other teams in same age bracket, etc., gives you a chance to see them in a real The Sleep Foundation. I have seen it just recently in the church Im attending now. The Difference Between Travel Softball and Little League. While some languages are much harder to grasp than others, a lack of words is a travel problem with an easy solution. Learning that excelling takes commitment, hard work, loyalty. It would surely come in handy as a travel ball parent. Top 5 Reasons Your Daughter Should Not Play Travel Softball They stand out on the team from the girls that clearly go home and put in the extra work, the extra exercise, even the extra lessons to constantly improve. So we are playing upward thru our church. I would urge you to consider how trustworthy Jesus is, how he can reconcile you to God, how he has paid for your sin, and how his Spirit can enable you to love others and enjoy life with them in a gathering of people joined together at a local church. Rec ball pushes equality, fairness, and gives each player the same opportunities. By the age of thirteen, I knew I wanted to play NCAA softball, and playing against the best competition was crucial in helping me achieve that dream. These teams travel, often long distances and out of state, to games, competitions, and/or tournaments (hence the name). Recreational Ball vs. Travel Ball - RIP-IT Sports Too many surgeries, other arm problems, leg issues and other health issues that kids at that age shouldnt have to endure. Creating a logo and brand is a big step for your new program. Then you get all of that extra gear and position specific lessons. As a follower of Jesus, this consideration is the most important one for me. Once we knew about travel ball there was no going back. Below are just a few stream of consciousness suggestions as readers consider their views on how they encourage their children in sports. They learn to be a part of a team effort and that there are sacrifices that need to be made for the team (for instance being pulled during a game). Just last year, I finished your work Gods Glory in Salvation through Judgment. Fourth, travel ball is expensive, but so are the other activities in which many parents place their children like show choir and band. For example, when you look at a solid team of 12u girls and there is that one girl that is nowhere near the level of the rest of the team. This guide will help you understand what to look for in a traveling softball team, and will answer some of the most common questions parents have about the process, including: Joining a traveling softball team can be a great experience, both in terms of enjoyment and player development. Little League, which is the most common rec ball organization, is open to girls ages four through sixteen, and everybody makes a team regardless of their skill level. The answer to that question depends on two main things: her love for the game and your wallet! This was the early 90's. It was only an 18U team and I have no clue how far they traveled or who they played. We dont win Non-Christians by loving them more than we love God and his glory. If you are ok with giving away your weekends to softball, then maybe travel ball is a fit for you. But we have had a great experience with travel ball and have been able to balance our commitments to both Christ, his church, and our family. Travel softball hurts pocket books. And man (probably some do) dont evangelize. If your kid is good and loves to play, you wont be able to keep them from it. Although the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pushed back the starts for some travel seasons, Northwest Whitfield High School head softball coach Todd Middleton said most of his team is playing a travel softball schedule currently. While on the bench she would rather play with fidgets than to watch and learn from the game. At 12, our son tells us he thinks we have made the right decision. (Not that we did everything right by any means!!) On the court. She got to have some really good conversations with the moms who really didnt understand the philosophy behind Upward as a result. Kids come out of high school where it seems that every game mattered, to a travel ball season where if you go 5-0 or 0-5 it doesn't matter. Shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout. Girls that don't attend the Youre going to be paying team dues of course. Then you have mad moms and dads when their little one rides the bench all day at a tournament two hours from home that you had to arrive at in the pre-sunrise hours of the morning.

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